a few children floating on a pool noodle smiling in the pool

Thank You for Choosing Mount Fitness for Your Child’s Swim Lessons!

We offer swim lessons 5-6 times per year for 6 weeks each session for ages 6 months and up! In Fall, Winter, and Spring we try to offer two options: one during the week and one on Saturday mornings. We do registration online only and on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Cost: $130 non-member price, $110 member price.  Swimmers must be active members at registration to get the member price.

Registration is online only and first come, first served.

Questions? Call or email Meg Schoonmaker at mschoonmaker@mwcc.mass.edu or 978-630-9354


What Swimming Level is my child?

Seahorse 1 - Parent and Child

  • Characteristics: Infant, unable to swim or follow instructions
  • Working on: Becoming comfortable and enjoying the water
  • Ready to move on when: They are ready to try more challenging skills, gross motor skills improve

Seahorse 2 - Parent and Tot

  • Characteristics: Toddlers who can listen mildly and mimic parent/teacher instructions
  • Working on: Learning the language and simple skills presented in group lessons, doing lesson skills with parent guidance
  • Ready to move on when: They are ready to be in group class without parent in water, Typically age 3-4




  • Characteristics: Three year olds who are able to be in water without parent, can follow simple instructions, may or may not swim with support, won't put face in water for 5 seconds or more
  • Working on: Becoming comfortable in the water, front and back flutter kick, getting face wet, blowing bubbles, reach and pull, jumping with assistance, floating on back
  • Ready to move on when: They are comfortable in the water no apprehension present, flutter kick front and back, put face in water for 5 seconds, jump to instructor, back float, And are at least 4 years old.


BLUEGILL Pre-school 1

  • Characteristics: Pre-Schoolers who areable to be in water without parent, can follow simple instructions, cannot swim without support, won't put face in water for more than 5 seconds.
  • Working on: Becoming comfortable in the water, front and back flutter kick, putting face and head in water, blowing bubbles nose and mouth, reach and pull, jumping with assistance, floating on back.
  • Ready to move on when: They are comfortable in the water no apprehension present, flutter kick front and back, putting face and head in water for 5+ sec, jump to instructor, back float.

BASS Pre-school 2

  • Characteristics: Preschoolers who are able to be in water without parent, may or may not swim with support, able to blow bubbles and put face in water more than 5 seconds.
  • Working on: Intro to front crawl with rotary breathing, rhythmic and rotary breathing, back crawl adding arms, jumping in unassisted, intro diving, retrieving objects under water.
  • Ready to move on when: Can swim front crawl with at least some rotary breathing, can swim back crawl several strokes, jump in unassisted, dive with or without assistance.

Sea Lion Pre-School 3

  • Characteristics: Pre-schoolers who are able to be in water without parent or flotation, can swim unassisted 5 body lengths front crawl(to black line) with some rotary breathing, float on back
  • Working on: Improving front crawl with rotary breathing, back crawl, endurance, diving from seated and kneeling, retrieving submerged objects
  • Ready to move on when: Can Swim front crawl mostly rotary breathing 15 yards, back crawl 15 yards, retrieve submerged object from 4 feet, diving from kneeling or standing unassisted

Dolphin LTS Level 1

  • Characteristics: May or may not be comfortable in water. Cannot put face in water more than 5 seconds.
  • Working on: Becoming comfortable in the water, front and back flutter kick, getting face wet, blowing bubbles, jumping with assistance, floating on back
  • Ready to move on when: They are comfortable in the water no apprehension present, able to kick front and back flutter, put face in water more than 5 seconds, jump to instructor, back float

Marlin LTS Level 2

  • Characteristics: Comfortable in the water, can swim on own with or without flotation, possibly keep self afloat for brief period, swim 2-3 body lengths on own, can submerge head and face comfortably underwater for 5+ seconds.
  • Working on: Swimming forward without flotation/assistance, submerging head, jumping in unassisted, floating on front with face in water, intro elementary backstroke.
  • Ready to move on when: Can swim unassisted to black line with some rotary breathing, can tread water 15 seconds, can swim back crawl several strokes, good front and back flutter kick, can breathe out nose or mouth underwater 5 seconds or more.

Swordfish LTS Level 3

  • Characteristics: Can swim on own at least 5 body lengths (or to black line), can jump in unassisted, can submerge head and face fully, bubbles out nose and mouth
  • Working on: Keeping self at surface while treading water, improving front and back crawl, rotary breathing, diving from seated and kneeling, retrieving submerged objects
  • Ready to move on when: Can Swim front crawl 25 yards with rotary breathing, 25 yards of back crawl, retrieve submerged object from 4 feet, jump unassisted, diving assisted or unassisted

Shark LTS Level 4

  • Characteristics: Can swim full length of the pool using front crawl with rotary breathing and back crawl, jump in unassisted, dive unassisted
  • Working on: Fine tuning front and back crawl with rotary breathing, diving from stride and standing, retrieving submerged objects, intro breast stroke
  • Ready to move on when: Can swim front crawl with rotary breathing and back crawl for 50 yards each, can swim 25 yards breast stroke

Orca Whale LTS Level 5/6

  • Characteristics: Can swim 50 yards of front crawl and back crawl, can swim one length of breaststroke, can dive from standing
  • Working on: Fine-tuning front & back crawl, breaststroke, diving, intro butterfly and flip turns, open turns, starting dive, doing laps of each stroke improving endurance
  • Can swim front crawl, back crawl and breastroke for 100 yards each, racing dive, flip turns for front and back crawl, open turns, butterfly for 25 yards

What Swimming Level is my child?

Swimming levels range from our parent and child classes for infants as young as 6 months old, to group lessons for students ages 6 and up. Click here to learn more about the swimming age levels (PDF).

What kind of swimwear is needed?

All swimmers who are not toilet trained are required to wear swim diapers plus a covering bathing suit. NO REGULAR DIAPERS ARE ALLOWED IN THE POOL AT ANY TIME. Bathing suits are required. Wetsuits, swim shirts (no cotton) or rash guards are encouraged because the water is colder than your child’s body temperature. Don’t forget dry clothes to change into after lessons.

Do you offer towels?

No, you will need to bring your own towels to the pool. We suggest that you bring two, one to put over the child while on the deck before and after lessons, and a second for after showering.

Do I need to arrive early for class?

yes, please be early for your lesson! This will ensure that your child is getting the full attention of the instructor as well as participating fully in all skills for the day. We recommend arriving at least 5-10 minutes early in order to make sure your child has used the restroom, is changed, showered and ready to begin class at the designated time.

Where can I find the schedules?

Schedules are listed in each category above. We highly suggested printing it out and keep it with swim gear.

Do I need to bring swim gear?

We do have goggles, floaties, kickboards and fins. There is no need to bring other swim gear, everything is provided for your child. If they have goggles, please make sure they are of good quality, bad goggles are worse than no goggles at all!

Does the parents/grandparents/guardians need to be present?

Yes, adults must remain on the deck when your child is in swim lessons. There is no dropping them off and picking up later, and no going elsewhere in the building. Please only approach the class at the request of the instructor.

What happens if I don't show?

No credits will be issued for circumstances that are beyond the control of Mount Fitness Aquatics. Missed classes due to:

  • Child’s illness
  • Vacation or if you should choose not to attend
  • Inclement weather
  • Power outages
  • No water supply
  • Mechanical issues

Most instructors will attempt to make up any missed classes when it is due to weather or pool issues, but there is no guarantee as one session usually flows right into the next with 1 week at most in between.

Questions about Children’s Group Swim Lessons?

Contact Megan by email or call 978-630-9354