Water Safety Instructor Course
The purpose of this course is to train instructor candidates to teach courses in the American Red Cross Swimming and Water Safety Program. This is a blended learning course, with the candidates using online learning and test-taking to accent classroom skills.
- 16 years or older
- Proof of age (diver’s license, birth certificate or passport) at the pre-test
- Access to the internet and a printer required
- Must attend all classes and complete online work in-between classroom sessions
- 10 participant maximum and 5 participants minimum
- Punctual attendance is required at all class sessions. No exceptions will be made.
Location: Mount Fitness, 444 Green Street, Gardner, MA 01430
Date: Next dates are being planned! Make sure you are ready, practice the pre-test skills below!
Cost(2023): $345 (payable to MWCC at the time of registration)
Cancellation: (non-refundable fee)
Pre-Test Information
Students who do not pass the pre-test will not be permitted to attend the course! The following skills must be performed at a Red Cross Level 4 or higher.
- Candidates must swim 25 yards of each of the following strokes: Front Crawl, Back Crawl, Elementary Backstroke, Breast Stroke, and Side Stroke
- Students must swim 15 yards of Butterfly
- Maintain position on back for 1 minute in deep water (sculling or floating) and tread water for 1 minute
Class Dates & Times
Pre-Swim Exam
Saturday April 8 1PM-3PM
Saturday April 22 9AM-3PM
Sunday April 23 9AM-3PM
Saturday April 29 9AM-3PM
Sunday April 30 9AM-3PM
Download Flyer: WSI Course Flyer April 2023